My life has been very full lately.  One might say “busy,” but that does not quite capture what I have been experiencing, as a large part of the perceived fullness has centered around choices – choices between opportunities and multiple possibilities.

As I weighed the pros and cons of all these possibilities (“Go there!” “Come here!” “Do this!” “Do that!” “And that!” “Relax!” “Start this now!” “And work on this!” “That is due then…”)   I realized my equilibrium,  my well-being was starting to crumble.  I was feeling overwhelmed and anxious.  And in response, I was not so much practicing what I preach, as the saying goes.

So I put on my bathing suit and walked into the nearest body of water, a very large lake.  It was a stunning late summer day in Vermont – sunny and still. Giant poofy clouds stood silently on the horizon in the gentle blue sky. The lake was smooth, clear, and serene.  I sat in the shallow unmoving water and asked my spirit guides for help. I asked them to help calm my anxious self and to more clearly see my immediate path.

And this is what came:

        I can do it.

With the serene wisdom of lakes

The passionate movement & action of oceans

A heart as open as the air & the Cosmos

And with creativity as rich & fertile as earth’s soils…

I can do it.

I can embrace all these opportunities.

I can meet the challenges each brings as they arise.

I can do so with grace, serenity & a bit of wit

And with joy.

I can do it.

These words flowed out of my mouth in a sort of sing-song way. Stunned, I repeated them again and again so I would not forget them.  I got out of the water and ran up to the cottage to retrieve my journal and write them down.

That was a month ago, now. And I am doing it, making my choices, saying yes and no… navigating through this ever-changing life on a path full of intriguing twists, surprising turns, and some boring byways and frustrating backtracks…

Just aspiring to walk them all in the way of true beauty.

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